The following has been develop by our church to meet particular teaching needs in our church. We offer it freely, to be used for your personal study or for teaching in another context, with the proviso that it may not be sold or used for profit. Take it as it is.
Daily Prayers
Three prayers for morning, midday, and night, along with a paradigm for prayer throughout the day. The paradigm and the prayers are borrowed and lightly adapted from the appendix to Prayer by Tim Keller (New York: Dutton 2014), which we strongly recommend for anyone interested in growing in prayer. This PDF has small pages to be used throughout the day on a mobile device.
We are also using the Echo Prayer app to help us share these prayers as a church. Please follow our feed at
This is a seven-week small group discussion guide regarding what a disciple of Jesus is and what Jesus and the rest of the New Testament commands us about making disciples. It is written in such a way that small group leaders can easily lead a group discussion without a great deal of preparation.
Conversations with an Unbelieving World
In the same format as the Discipleship material, this covers six weeks of small group discussions regarding topics that might come up when sharing the gospel with unbelievers, including religious pluralism and homosexuality.
This is a series of seven lessons we did with our youth group as an introduction to Christian theology. The format is far more variable than the discipleship series, and should be adapted as needed.
My Story in His Story / Blank Workbook
A six week workbook on living in light of the gospel. It begins with God's big gospel story and learning to see our own lives above all as examples of God's saving work. Then we begin seeing others and helping them see themselves in terms of the gospel by seeing them with compassion, learning to start spiritual conversations, and ultimately asking them to respond to the gospel. The pages are formatted to fit two sheets on a legal page, and then letting the printer collate as a booklet. This cover has a large color logo for the study.
What If Jesus Was Serious? Discussion Questions
Skye Jethani's illustrated reflections on the Sermon on the Mount are divided into nine "Parts." These discussion questions just focus on two or three "chapters" (really only 2 pages each) from each part to be discussed during one week of small groups. Feel free to discuss any chapter in the reading for the week, but try to stay focused on how it applies to your life! "If Jesus was serious," how are you personally going to live in response?