Church MinistryCenter


Church Constitution

Table of Contents


First Christian Church Constitution

Article VII - Church Organiations

Christian Women United, Men's Fellowship, Youth Fellowship, Children's Fellowship, and Sunday School shall be known as the five organizations of the church. These organizations, being directly responsible to the church, shall serve as an arm of the church in their specified ministry.

Section 1. Christian Women United.
A. The purposes of this organization shall be:

  1. the Christian development of its members
  2. rendering Christian help and service to the sick and needy
  3. extending sympathy and aid whenever sorrow or death enters a home
  4. helping to finance the welfare of the church.

B. It shall be the duty of this organization within 60 days following the October business session
of the church to appoint one of its members to serve on the Official Board.

The name of the representative to serve on the Official Board shall be reported to the clerk

Section 2. Men's Fellowship.
A. The purpose of this organization shall be to provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship and spiritual growth for the men of the church and community.

Section 3. Youth Fellowship.
A. The purpose of this organization shall be to provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship, fun, and spiritual growth for the youth of the church and community.

B. The division of the Youth Fellowship into Junior and Senior Youth will be at the discretion of the pastor depending on the number of youth for each division.

C. It shall be the duty of the whole Youth Fellowship within 60 days after the October business
session of the church to appoint one of its high school age members to serve on the Official

The name of the representative to serve on the Official Board to represent the Jr. and Sr. Youth
shall be reported to the clerk immediately.

D. They shall meet regularly at the discretion of the youth leader.

Section 4. Children's Fellowship.
A. The purpose of this organization shall be to provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship,
fun, and spiritual growth for the children of the church and community.

B. The officers of this organization shall be the Children's Director, appointed by the
moderator and the teachers, appointed by the Children's Director.

C. It shall be the duty of the Children's Director to plan and direct this organization in meeting the spiritual needs of the children, as well as appoint someone to serve on the Official Board to
represent the interests of the children. This appointment is to be made within 60 days following
the October business session of the church.

The name of the representative to serve on the Official Board shall be reported to the clerk

D. Regular meetings are to be held at the discretion of the Children's Director for said purposes.

Section 5. Sunday School.
A. The purpose of this organization shall be to meet the spiritual needs of all age groups through
fellowship and the study of God's Word

B. The officers of the Sunday School shall consist of the Sunday School superintendent, assist S.S. superintendent, secretary, assist secretary, treasurer, assist treasurer, literature coordinator,
assist literature coordinator, song leader(s), pianist, assist pianist. These and all S.S. teachers
and their assistants, and the chairman of each S.S. committee shall constitute the Sunday School

C. The Sunday School shall be governed and directed in fulfilling said purpose of this organization by the Sunday School Board.

D. The Sunday School Board, within 60 days following the October business session of the church, shall appoint one of its members to serve on the Official Board

The name of the representative to serve on the Official Board shall be reported to the clerk
immediately before the morning worship hour.

E. This organization shall meet regularly on Sunday immediately before the morning worship hour.

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