Church MinistryCenter


Church Constitution

Table of Contents

First Christian Church Constitution

Article VI- Committees

A committee is a group of individuals appointed or elected to perform certain tasks that cannot be done efficiently by the entire church membership or by one of her organizations. A committee shall be established by the moderator or church and is directly responsible to the church.

The moderator shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall call the organization meeting of all elective and appointive committees.

The pastor is an ex-officio member of all committees (except Finance) to assist, coordinate and insure that the members are functioning properly.

Section 1. Finance Committee.
A. The Finance Committee shall consist of nine members having good judgment and financial

B. Three members shall be elected annually for the term of three years or until their successors are elected and installed.

C. The Finance Committee shall meet as soon as possible, not later than two months after the
October business session, to elect a chairman, to appoint a representative to serve on the Official Board, and to select a date to meet to develop the church budget, and at any other time as deemed necessary, upon call of the chairman or financial secretary.

The name of the chairman and representative to serve on the Official Board shall be reported to the clerk immediately.

D. The financial secretary elected at the October business session will serve on the committee and act as secretary. It shall be the duty of the financial secretary to provide a copy of the minutes of every committee meeting to the clerk for the church records.

E. It shall be the duty of this committee to develop and recommend the church budget for approval at the October business session of the church and to raise or cause to be raised a sufficient amount of money to meet all the expenses of the church during the fiscal year (except real estate) by promoting stewardship among the church members.

Section 2. Pastoral Search Committee.
A. A Pastoral Search Committee, consisting of five members of the church, shall be appointed
by the Official Board whenever a vacancy in the pastorate occurs. This committee shall continue in office until a pastor has been called by the church.

B. It shall be the duty of the Pastoral Search Committee to meet as soon as possible to elect one of its members chairman, to elect one of its members to serve as secretary, and to appoint one of its members to serve on the Official Board.

The name of the chairman, secretary, and representative to serve on the Official Board shall be reported to the clerk immediately.

C. It shall be the duty of this committee to prayerfully consider the needs of the church and to select to the best of their ability a suitable candidate and present same to the church for approval and call at a meeting called for that purpose after being announced at a public service at least one
week prior.

D. The committee, as a whole, should personally interview the prospective candidate. By their
direct questions and his answers, each member can more easily make a wise decision.

E. All candidates should be investigated thoroughly as to their past record, their faith, doctrine,
and practice, to see if they are in agreement with the doctrinal position of the church. Their
personal life should be such that their standing will be a credit to the ministry of our church.

F. All matters of consideration and discussion within the committee shall be kept within the
committee until it is ready to make a written report and unanimous recommendation of the

G. The Pastoral Search Committee may invite guest speakers during the interim as possible

H. The committee will be advised by the Official Board regarding the salary and benefits they can offer to the pastor. These items must be thoroughly understood by the candidate and should be placed in a letter of calling agreement.

I. After the Pastoral Search Committee is satisfied they have found a minister to unanimously
recommend to the church, they should formulate a written report, naming the person, giving
their recommendation, and the terms mentioned in detail.

J. Once the candidate is presented to the church, a vote is taken of the membership for their
approval. A call may be issued by the committee to the candidate when 2/3 of those voting
have given their approval.

Section 3. Benevolence Committee.
A. The Benevolence Committee shall consist of nine members.

B. Three members shall be elected annually for the term of three years or until their successors are elected and installed.

C. It shall be the duty of the Benevolence Committee within 60 days following the October business session to elect one of its members chairman, and one of its members to serve as
secretary-treasurer, and to appoint one of its members to serve on the Official Board.

D. This committee has the responsibility of developing the overall benevolence program for the
congregation and of ascertaining that it be carried out.

E. This committee shall assist in promoting missions and in seeking to meet different needs of the
community. These include the following:

  1. build interest in missions by making up-to-date reports of missions activity
  2. arrange for special mission emphasis regularly
  3. plan and conduct missions conferences
  4. select different projects to meet community needs
  5. give an accurate report of benevolence work accomplished in the regular business sessions of the church.

F. An accurate report of all benevolence money received shall be kept by the secretary-treasurer of said committee. Upon receipt of any benevolence money, the chairman or secretary-treasurer of the Benevolence Committee shall request the financial secretary of the church to issue an order
on the treasury for the amount received to be paid to the proper recipient or deposited in the
benevolence account for later designation.

G. It shall be the duty of the Benevolence Committee to meet regularly to carry out said purposes or at any other time as deemed necessary upon call of the chairman or secretary.

Section 4. Music Committee.
A. The Music Committee shall consist of three members.

B. One member shall be elected annually for a term of three years or until his successor is elected
and installed.

C. It shall be the duty of the Music Committee within 60 days following the October business session to elect one of its members chairman, and one secretary, and to appoint one of its members to serve on the Official Board.

The name of the chairman, secretary, and representative to serve on the Official Board shall be
reported to the clerk immediately.

D. This committee, in consultation with the pastor and moderator, shall secure the organist, pianist, song leader, choir director, and their assistants for the regular worship service.

E. It shall be the duty of the Music Committee in consultation with the pastor, organist, pianist, song leader, and choir director:

  1. to continually analyze and evaluate the music program of the church
  2. to encourage the participation and involvement of church members in the music ministry
  3. to appoint directors and accompanists for all special services in the church
  4. to assist the music staff in coordination and implementation of the music program
  5. to coordinate the music ministry with other program organizational activities in the church
  6. to sponsor the organization of any musical group within the church and make
    recommendations for proper financial support whenever necessary
  7. to prepare and recommend to the Finance Committee the Music Ministry budget and to administer the budget in keeping with the receipts of the church up to the limit approved
  8. to make reports at the regular business session of the church
  9. to rotate responsibility in coordinating special music and readings (each member rotates every 2 months)

F. It shall be the duty of the Music Committee to meet for said purposes as needed or at any other
time deemed necessary upon call of the chairman or secretary.

Section 5. Nominating Committee.
A. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be active, caring, and loving members of the
church. They should also be familiar with the responsibilities of all church elected leadership
positions, qualifications for those positions, and the members available for nomination.

B. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members.

C. One member shall be elected annually for a term of three years or until his successor is elected
and installed.

D. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee within 60 days following the October
business session to elect one of its members chairman, and one secretary, and to appoint one of its members to serve on the Official Board.

The name of the chairman, secretary, and representative to serve on the Official Board shall
be reported to the clerk immediately.

E. The Nominating Committee shall meet annually between July and September for the purpose of selecting a slate of officers to present at the October business meeting or at any other time
deemed necessary upon call of the chairman or secretary.

F. After prayer and careful consideration, the Nominating Committee should select, enlist, and
present a slate of candidates for church officers, committee members, and Sunday School
Superintendent two Sundays prior to the election. The slate shall conform to the guidelines as
assigned by our church by-laws for election in the October business session of the church.

G. The committee is relieved of its duties unless a vacancy occurs - at which time they should
enlist and present a candidate to the Official Board or regular business session of the church for
election to the remainder of the term.

Section 6. Greeters Committee.
A. The Greeters Committee shall consist of two members appointed by the moderator at the regular October business session of the church.

B. They should work in cooperation in scheduling 2 greeters for the Sunday Morning services for the entire year.

C. It shall be their duty to inform the greeters of the following responsibilities as greeters:

  1. to come early to welcome people by greeting them pleasantly and politely
  2. to encourage guests to sign the guest register or to fill out information box on backside of
  3. to distribute bulletins, one to each family, unless more than 2 adults are included in the
    family unit or if the adults are unable to sit together because of responsibilities in the
    service, etc.
  4. to select children to light candles before Worship Service and to put them out at the
    close of the service, instructing them on the proper procedure, timing and behavior
  5. to carefully count, after at least 10 minutes into the service, the number present in
    worship (including the nursery) and record the number present

D. It shall be their duty to fill in when needed.

Section 7. Homecoming Committee.
A. The Homecoming Program Committee shall be appointed by the moderator at the regular July
business session of the church.

B. It shall be their duty to plan the program for the annual Homecoming the 1st Sunday of October in cooperation with the pastor and the clerk. This should include recognition of any 50th year members, deaths, births, and weddings, etc. for the past year.

Section 8. Nursery Committee.
A. The Nursery Committee shall consist of two members appointed by the moderator at the regular October business session of the church.

B. They should work in cooperation in scheduling workers for the nursery during morning worship for the entire year.

C. It shall be their duty to inform the workers of their responsibilities.

D. They should set up guidelines and rules for the nursery (example: ages included, treatment of
furniture, procedures for a crying child, etc.) and see to the cleanliness, repair and/or replacement
of toys, equipment, lines, etc.

Section 9. Church Roll Committee.
A. The Church Roll Committee shall consist of the pastor, clerk, and financial secretary for the
purpose of revising the church roll annually in accordance with the requirements of Article II,
Section 5.

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