Church MinistryCenter


Church Constitution

Table of Contents


First Christian Church Constitution

Article V - Business & Board Meetings

Section 1. Business Meetings
A. Quarterly business meetings shall be held on the 3rd Wednesday in January, April, July, and
October at 7:00 PM. Exception: the 4th Wednesday of the month in which the third Wednesday
would fall on an official holiday.

B. Said meetings shall be announced at the regular Sunday service at least one week prior to the
time of the meeting.

C. These meetings are open to any active non-member of the church, but all voting privileges are
restricted to only members of the church.

D. A quorum at any business meeting of the church shall consist of the number of members
necessary for a quorum for the Official Board.

E. The moderator shall preside at all business meetings of the congregation with the clerk keeping careful record. In case of the moderator's absence from a meeting, the chairman of the deacons shall preside. In case of the clerk's absence from a meeting, the secretary of the trustees shall keep careful record.

F. These meetings are for the overall purpose of setting goals and guidelines for the church; hearing and evaluating progress reports from the church officers, committees, and organizations of the church; the sharing of opinions and ideas by the people; and to transact any business in relation to the ongoing ministry of the church.

G. It shall be the church's responsibility to elect officers in the October business session and to hear annual reports in the January business session.

Section 2. Official Board.
A. The Official Board shall consist of the moderator, pastor, clerk, trustees, deacons, treasurer,
financial secretary, auditor, and one representative elected or appointed by the following
committees or organizations: Sunday School Board, Christian Women United, Children's
Fellowship, Youth Fellowship, Finance Committee, Benevolence Committee, Nominating
Committee, Music Committee, and the Pastoral Search Committee (when functioning).

B. All members of the Official Board must be members of the church. No member is entitled to hold more than one office on the Official Board.

C. The moderator shall act as chairman and the clerk as secretary.

D. A simple majority of the board shall constitute a quorum.

E. It shall be the duty of the Official Board to transact any emergency business in the operation of the church between regular church business sessions, to represent the members of the church in giving oversight to its functions, to maintain sacred confidence and trust in the matters of
business discussed in the board meetings, and to report all business transacted to the regular
church business sessions.

F. When a vacancy in the pastorate occurs, it is the responsibility of the Official Board to appoint five members of the church to form the Pastoral Search Committee, and to advise this committee
regarding the salary and benefits they can offer to the pastor, such as vacation periods and
benefits, sick leave, housing, car allowance, medical insurance, moving and attending a
conference or convention in the interest of the church, participation in summer camping programs, etc.

Section 3. Sunday School Board.
A. The Sunday School Board shall consist of the Sunday School officers, teachers and their
assistants, and the chairman of each Sunday School committee. (See Article VII, 5- B)

B. The Sunday School superintendent or assist superintendent shall preside at all Sunday School
Board meetings with the secretary or assist secretary keeping record.

C. The Sunday School superintendent, assist S.S. superintendent and the representative to serve on the Official Board must be members of the church. All other positions may be filled from those enrolled in Sunday School.

D. It shall be the duty of the Sunday School Board to meet regularly to set up goals and guidelines for the Sunday School, give guidance and direction to S.S. teachers and classes, provide opportunity for teachers and workers to attend leadership conferences, evaluate and approve literature, and to transact any business in relation to the ongoing ministry of the S.S.

E. The Nominating Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Sunday School Board and consist
of three members. One new member shall be selected annually for a term of three years or until
his successor is selected. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to select a slate of
teachers for Nursery through High School Classes, Sunday School Officers, and to select
members for the various Sunday School Committees to be presented for approval in the October
Sunday School Board meeting. All teachers, officers and committees will take office January 1st.

All adult classes shall be responsible for acquiring their own teachers and assistants, as well as
class officers as desired.

F. The Nominating Committee is relieved of its duties unless a vacancy occurs - at which time they should enlist and present a candidate to the Sunday School Board for approval to fill the
remainder of the term.

G. The Sunday School superintendent and assist S.S. supt. are to be ex-officio members of all
S.S. committees including the Nominating Committee. It is their responsibility to work with the
S.S. Board in the planning of any special events, and to see that all committees are functioning
and carrying out their responsibilities. They shall dispense all items of business in accordance
with the by-laws of the church, being aware of the goals of the church, being certain that every
point of view is given an opportunity for expression, and being impartial as possible in all

The Supt. or assist may call special meetings of the Sunday School Board whenever it is
deemed necessary.

H. The Sunday School Board is directly responsible to the church and should operate under the
guidelines and principles set up by the church.

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