Church MinistryCenter


Church Constitution

Table of Contents


First Christian Church Constitution

Article IV- Church Officers

The elective officers of the church shall consist of a moderator, six trustees, six deacons, a clerk,
a treasurer, a financial secretary, and an auditor. Other officers may be elected or appointed as
the church deems necessary.

Officers shall assume their duties on January 1st of each year.

Any officer or member of any committee, elective or appointive, refusing to contribute to the well being of the church, shall by such action forfeit such position, and said place shall be filled at once by the Official Board, or at a regular business meeting of the church.

Section 1. Moderator.
The Moderator shall be persons of spiritual strength and in support of the doctrines and policies
of the church.

A. The moderator shall be elected at the October business session of the church.

B. He shall preside at all business meetings of the congregation and Official Board. In case of the
moderators absence from a meeting, the chairman of the Board of Deacons shall preside.

C. The moderator may call special meetings of the church body or the Official Board whenever it is deemed necessary.

D. It shall be his duty to establish any committees deemed necessary and to appoint members to
serve on those or other committees that are not normally filled by election in the October business session of the church according to our by-laws. The chairman of these committees will
not be a part of the Official Board.

E. The moderator shall be ex-officio member of all boards, committees, and organization meetings.

F. It shall be his duty to call the organization meeting of all elective and appointive committees within 60 days of the October business meeting.

G. He shall be well informed regarding the by-laws of the church and policies of the church.

H. He shall dispense all items of business in accordance with the by-laws of the church, being
aware of the goals of the church, both short and long-range, being certain that every point of
view is given an opportunity for expression, and being as impartial as possible in all decisions.

I. It shall be his duty to prepare an agenda for each regular business meeting.

J. It shall be his duty to see that accurate records are kept of all business and that the proper
officers, boards, or committees are informed of their responsibilities.

K. It shall be his duty with the pastor to see that all the officers and committees of the church
faithfully perform their duties and comply with all the requirements of this constitution.

Section 2. Trustees.
A. Trustees should be persons with a Christian testimony who are faithfully attending and
supporting members of the church. They should have the ability to manage, care, and protect
the real and personal property of the church.

B. There shall be six trustees.

C. Two trustees shall be elected annually for the term of three years or until their successors are
elected and installed.

D. It shall be the duty of the trustees to elect one of its members chairman and one as secretary
within 60 days following the October business meeting. The name of the chairman and secretary
shall be reported to the clerk immediately.

E. It shall be their duty with the assistance of the financial secretary to hold in trust the real estate of the church and to see that the same is properly cared for.

F. It shall be their duty with the assistance of the financial secretary to maintain incorporation status and safeguard all church documents in a safety deposit box or its equivalent.

G. It shall be their duty to make at least annual inspection of all church property and maintain the
general upkeep and improvement of the physical properties of the church in accordance with the
approved church budget and monies designated for such projects.

H. It shall be their duty to see that the church is provided with supplies, such as light, fuel, lawn care, snow removal, janitorial service, etc. needed in its operation; to employ the needed personnel for said purposes; and to approve all purchases or payments in regards to maintenance and upkeep. They shall give orders on the treasury, officially authorized by their secretary, for the amounts due to claimants under their jurisdiction.

I. It shall be their duty to arrange for adequate insurance on property and employees hired for
maintenance and upkeep.

J. The trustees shall have control of the use of the church property except as it is required for the
use of the church under the guidance of the pastor, moderator, deacons or this constitution.

K. It shall be the duty of the trustees to meet regularly to carry out said purposes or at any other time as deemed necessary upon call of the chairman or secretary.

Section 3. Deacons.
A. Deacons were first appointed to bring about order, to produce and maintain harmony among the believers in the early church, and to release the apostles from any burden or worry over the daily functioning of the church in such temporal matters. This same assistance remains today for the pastor.

B. The guidelines for the type of men chosen and the ministry to be performed can be found in Acts 6:3 and I Timothy 3:8-13. It is understood these officers meet the scriptural qualifications and are faithful members in their attendance and support of the church. They shall be in full sympathy with the doctrines and policies of the church.

C. Two deacons who meet the above qualifications outlined in scripture shall be elected at each
October meeting to serve for a period of three years or until his successor is elected and qualified.

D. It shall be the duty of the Deacons to elect one of its members chairman and one as secretary
within 60 days following the October business meeting. The name of the chairman and secretary
shall be reported to the clerk immediately.

E. It shall be their duty to assist the pastor in the spiritual ministry of the church: caring for the
members and their spiritual interest, looking after the sick and needy of the church.

F. It shall be their duty to pray for the entire congregation:

1. for individual members of the church
2. for the pastor and other church leaders
3. for the entire ministry and outreach of the church
4. for the bereaved, hospitalized and shut-ins
5. for those with special needs, alert to recognize these.

G. It shall be their duty to visit through an organized plan in cooperation with the pastor.

H. It shall be their duty to assist in administering the Lords Supper, also to have emblems prepared and ready for service to be held on the first Sunday in January, April, July, and October or at any other time deemed necessary at the discretion of the pastor and deacons.

I. It shall be their duty to assist in the baptismal service and give oversight to the care of the
baptistery, robes, post-service work, etc.

J. It shall be their duty to show hospitality to visitors and newcomers at the church and in visiting
their homes.

K. It shall be their duty to assist the pastor in planning special services of the church and
assisting in or providing the hosting and lodging of guest ministers.

L. It shall be their duty to be ready to pray with those seeking spiritual help in all services and in
homes as well.

M. It shall be their duty to help forward benevolence, give direction to the Benevolence
Committee, and assist those in need as the occasion may arise among people of the church.

N. It shall be their duty to assist the pastor, in the spirit of love and prayer, when it is necessary to discipline members. They shall hear all charges or grievances and investigate any reports of
disagreements or ill feeling between members that may be brought before the church. According
to the gospel, and after a thorough and impartial investigation of any given cause, it is their duty
to render a decision according to the best of their judgment and report said findings at next
business meeting.

0. It shall be their duty to assist in the pastor’s absence or when called upon.

P. It shall be their duty to assist in providing a pulpit supply and/or giving leadership to the service when the pastor is absent.

Q. It shall be their duty to be the ushers or appoint ushers for receiving the offering during worship.

R. It shall be the duty of the deacons to meet regularly to carry out said purposes or at any other
time as deemed necessary upon call of the chairman or secretary.

Section 4. Clerk.
A. The clerk should have a Christian testimony, faithful attendance and support record, and some
aptitude for this type of ministry.

B. The clerk shall be elected at each October session of the church and shall continue in office
(excepting for cause) until one's successor is elected or resignation be accepted by the church.

C. The clerk is the recording officer of the assembly and the custodian of its records except such as are specifically assigned to others.

D. It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep a correct record of all church meetings and meetings of the Official Board.

E. The clerk shall see that announcements for church meetings are duly made.

F. The clerk shall keep a correct roll of the church membership and issue transfers, letters, and
certificates as authorized by the deacons or church body.

G. It shall be the clerk's duty to write or print the names of all church officials and committees of the church in legible form immediately after each annual election, placing a copy of the same in some convenient place in the church for the benefit of the members, and perform such other clerical duties as the church may demand.

Section 5. Treasurer.
A. The church treasurer should have a Christian testimony and be faithfully attending and
supporting member of the local church. The treasurer should also have proven financial and
business ability.

B. The treasurer shall be elected at the October business session of the church and shall continue
in office one year or until one's successor is elected.

C. It shall be the treasurer's duty to pay all bills promptly by check as authorized by the financial
secretary and record these expenditures.

D. It shall be the treasurer's duty to keep a full and correct account of all monies received and paid out, and to reconcile the bank balance with the book balance each month, and to be prepared
for an annual audit

Section 6. Financial Secretary.
A. The financial secretary should have a Christian testimony and be a faithfully attending and
supporting member of the local church. The financial secretary should also have proven financial and business ability.

B. The financial secretary shall be elected at the October business session of the church and shall continue in office for one year or until one's successor is elected.

C. It shall be the duty of the financial secretary to receive all monies of the church (except that of
organizations in the church which have their own treasurers), and making the appropriate receipts and deposits for the same.

D. It shall be the financial secretary's duty to keep a true and just account between the church and
its debtors and creditors and to report to the church quarterly, giving correct account of all money collected and deposited showing the balance on deposit, also the amount of the church's indebtedness, if any.

E. It shall be the financial secretary's duty to issue, an order on the treasury for all approved bills of the church for immediate payment.

F. It shall be the financial secretary's duty to work closely with the Financial Committee to prepare for adoption an annual budget.

The financial secretary will serve as the secretary of this committee.

G. It shall be the financial secretary's duty to assume the treasurer's duties in his absence and to
record and file all receipts, canceled checks, and expenditures.

H. It shall be the financial secretary's duty to assist the trustees in maintaining the incorporation
status and safeguarding all church documents in a safety deposit box or its equivalent.

Section 7. Auditor.
A. The auditor should have a Christian testimony and be a faithfully attending and supporting
member of the local church. The auditor should also have proven financial and business ability.

B. The auditor shall be elected at each October business session of the church and shall continue in office until one's successor is elected or resignation be accepted by the church.

C. It is the auditors duty to audit the accounts of the treasurer and financial secretary and
present a report to the church at its April business meeting.

The fiscal year of the church shall be from January first to December 31st, inclusive.


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