Church MinistryCenter


Church Constitution

Table of Contents



First Christian Church Constitution

Article III - Pastor

Section 1. Call.
A. Whenever a vacancy in the pastorate occurs, a Pastoral Search Committee shall be
appointed by the Official Board as described in Article V. Section 2 –A.

B. The Pastoral Search Committee shall follow the guidelines set up in Article VI, Section 2.

C. A pastor shall be selected and called upon by written contract by the church when he has
met the conditions of Article VI, Section 2 - J. Said contract is to be continuous and salary to
be examined annually by the Finance Committee until his termination or resignation.

D. When a pastor has accepted the call of the church, he shall become a member of the church.

Section 2. Duties.
In order to clarify the expectations of the pastor and the people, and to show the direction that our
church is aiming in its ministry, we offer the following job description for the pastor our church.
Realizing the individuality of those God calls into the ministry, we consider this to be merely a
guideline, offering the pastor much flexibility in setting priorities and molding his own ministry.
Following are several things in which we expect our pastor to be involved:

A. We consider to be of highest priority the preparation of sermons and worship.

B. A program of visitation of church members and visitation of hospitalized and shut-ins are also

C. We expect our pastor to be growing spiritually through personal bible study, prayer, meditation, and through seminars and conferences. As he grows spiritually, he will be able to
give leadership to every facet of church ministry.

D. We expect him to be available for consultation and counseling, to be supportive of our
missionary outreach, and to work in planning and developing programs within the church.
We expect him to work with all committees and boards of the church, as well as strive to
cooperate with other churches in Mooreland and the surrounding area.

E. It shall be his duty to administer the ordinances of the church, as well as meet and welcome
strangers and members after church services.

F. The pastor shall be ex-officio member of all boards, committees, and organizations meetings
(except Finance Corn.)

G. It shall be his duty with the moderator to see that all the officers and committees of the
church faithfully perform their duties and comply with all the requirements of this constitution.

H. The pastor shall give quarterly reports of his ministry at each quarterly business meeting.

I. The priority of the remainder of the pastoral functions is flexible to the individuality of the

Section 3. Termination.
A. If there is a question in relation to the effectiveness of the pastor, the deacons by majority vote
may ask for a vote of confidence by a special called meeting of the church for that purpose. A 2/3
majority vote will be necessary for the pastor to stay.

If, in the best interest of the church and Christ's. work, the pastor is asked to leave, and if the deacons so decide, he will stop fulfilling the role of pastor immediately, but will be given 15 day time to make the necessary arrangements for this change in employment.

The pastor and family however may have use of the parsonage for longer if needed and agreed
upon by the church.

B. If the pastor resigns or is called to another pastorate, he must give a written notice to the church at least 30 days in advance.

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