Church MinistryCenter


Church Constitution

Table of Contents


First Christian Church Constitution

Article II - Membership and Church Roll

Section 1. Qualifications.
A. All persons who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, and who publicly pledge
allegiance to Christ and His cause, shall be eligible for membership. Or any persons on
presentation of satisfactory letters of transfer from other churches, or if letters are not available,
by reaffirmation of faith, shall be received into membership.

B. Letters of transfer need not be presented at the time a person is received into membership. A
statement that one is a member in good standing of a recognized church will be sufficient. The
clerk will contact the said church to arrange the transfer.

Section 2. Reception of Members.
The pastor or a deacon may receive persons who shall present themselves for membership.
All persons shall be declared members when they receive the hand of Christian fellowship
from the congregation.

Section 3. Duties of Members.
It shall be the duty of all members to live godly lives and uphold the church by prayer, regular
attendance at public services and business meetings, by contributing toward the expenses and
benevolences of the church, by promoting peace and harmony, and by seeking to win new

Section 4. Termination.
A. Members in good standing shall upon request and by vote of the Board of Deacons be entitled
to letters of dismissal, and recommendation to any church they designate. It shall be the duty of the clerk to notify the pastor or clerk of the church to which a letter has been granted.

B. A member may be released from membership by consent of the deacons if, after due
conference and deliberation, he is insistent in his request for such a release.

Section 5. Church Roll.
A. Any resident member know to have been absent from public services of the church for one year or known to have refused to bear a part of the financial obligations of the church during the same period, without giving a reasonable excuse when required, shall have his name placed on the inactive membership list

B. Any non-resident who cannot attend the services of the church can have his name remain on
the active list of the church by reporting to the clerk or financial secretary at least once a year
by letter or otherwise sending with such report a contribution for the church treasury.

C. The pastor, clerk, and financial secretary shall constitute the committee to revise the church
roll annually in accordance with the above requirements.

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