Meet the Pastor

Hi, I'm Nathan Edwards

In November 2010, I became the pastor of First Christian Church. God has called me to be a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that as I grow as a disciple of Jesus, by the grace of God I can also raise up others to be disciples of Jesus, who in turn can raise up others to be disciples of Jesus, and so on. Once after reading Don't waste your life by John Piper, I was encouraged to write up the following purpose statement for my life: I live to know and love God through Jesus Christ my Savior and to lead others to do the same.

I'm passionate for the glory of God. Since I was a teenager, I have loved to worship and have been overwhelmed with the majesty and beauty of our God. How could such a great King and Creator love such little and woefully imperfect creatures as us? But that's the wonder of the gospel, saturating the pages of God's inspired word, most perfectly fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's incarnate Son. I hope you'll open your heart to him and let him flood you with his goodness and his greatness.

I am blessed many times over with a beautiful wife, Alissa, and three children, James, Anna, and Evangeline. Now that you know a bit about me, I hope you'll give me a chance to learn about you. Come by the church some weekday, give me a call, use the contact page, or stop and talk with me on a Sunday morning.

April 12, 1984

Grand Blanc High School (2002)
Calvin College (BA, 2006)
Trinity Ev Div School (MDiv, 2009; DMin, 2021)

Favorite authors:
C. S. Lewis, Timothy Keller, Jonathan Edwards, J. I. Packer, John Piper

My wife and kids (primarily), reading, languages (any), music, martial arts, movies

Favorite verses:
"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead" (Philippians 3:10-11).